London Based Graphic Designer | Freelance Graphic Designer
London Based Graphic Designer        |     Freelance Graphic Designer
As a freelance graphic designer Markus excels at logo designing and if you want the perfect logo for your company then contact him today. Markus is experienced London based graphic designer in web designing and provides your company with a great website. To know more about Markus Wilson's works and the services he offers, visit his official website at Call him at 02030956446 and 07803168028 for more details and information.It was American type designer William Dwiggins who first conceived the term ‘Graphic Design’ in early 1922, although the art form had been around far longer and since the beginning of mankind itself; from the very first cave drawings right through to the creative industry we know today. Although these days it can take many forms in the shape of advertising, graffiti, fine art and every shade of grey in-between. They share nearly all the same disciplines from typography to perspective, and unite in giving a medium for thoughts, or a vehicle t